Friday, May 16, 2008

Teen Scene

1.             The Revolve - allacess Tour – September 12-13, 2008

Girls, make plans now to attend! Don’t forget to invite your mom! Special Guests: Hawk Nelson, Natalie Grant, Group 1 Crew, Krystal Meyers, Chad Eastman, Jenna Lucado and more! The allaccess tour includes: “Behind-the-scenes” look at relationships; concerts by amazing bands; drama (the good kind); real-life stories; more fun things that you can imagine! allaccess is: A Friday night – Saturday event designed with teen girls (ages 12 and up) in mind.

Event Schedule

Friday: 5:30PM Doors Open 7:00PM Show Begins 

9:30PM End

Saturday: 8:00AM Doors Open   9:00AM Show Begins            4:00PM End

Cost: $54 per person for the conference and $20 per person for the hotel (4 to a room) plus money for food.

Early-bird registration due to Pam Jordan or Holly Rugg by Sunday, July 13 (after that date the cost goes up to $64 per person). See Pam for registration forms.

For more information: contact Pam Jordan at 419-841-3680


2.             30 Hour Famine Fundraising Results

Through canning at WalMart and the bake sale, the Youth Group raised a total of $413.89 to send to World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine – enough to feed one child for one year! Thank you to everyone who participated – you’ve made a difference in the life of a child!


3.             Graduate Recognition Sunday - June 22, 2008

                Seniors –you should have received a packet of information regarding Graduate Recognition, Sunday, June 22. Please be sure to read over the information and return your forms and photographs to Tara Trost by Sunday, May 25.


4.             Nazarene Day at Cedar Point – Thursday, July 31

                Cost: $35 per person. The park will be open from 10:00am – 10:00pm. Let Pam or Tara know if you are planning on going. Give your checks, made out to HCCN and with “Cedar Point” in the memo line, to Tara no later than Sunday, July 20.

5.      Exclusive Blog Content

Just a reminder of the exclusive blog content.... There is a discussion of Post Modernism, an opportunity to submit a new name for the blog, and a place where you can go an post anonymously things that you want to talk about in the future! Check It out!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just a Quick Reminder

Just incase the 4 or 5 people who read this haven't done it already, get with the church office sign up to work Oregon Fest this Sunday. Remember there is only one service so we can go! Get there!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Teen Scene

1. Graduate Recognition Sunday - June 22, 2008
Seniors –you should have received a packet of information regarding Graduate Recognition, Sunday, June 22. Please be sure to read over the information and return your forms and photographs to Tara Trost by Sunday, May 25.

2. Candy & Pop - 50¢ Each
Pam Jordan will no longer support your sugar habits with free candy and pop! From now on, if you want candy and/or pop you will need to PURCHASE the items for 50¢ EACH. IOU’s will no longer be accepted and you need to settle any outstanding IOU’s.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Post Modernism I Think…?!

Special thanks to Sharon for reminding me about this… I wanted to talk about this anyhow…

I posted on here about Post-Modernism last week. I asked if you know what it meant to be post modern and if you were a postmodern person or not. After that I posted to my friends on Facebook, asking them a similar question. I did this as a social study. I was amazed at some of the responses I got. People who were obviously post modern did not know it, and the opposite people who were more modern thought they were post modern. That's not the most shocking part to me. Everybody asked me to explain post modernity to them. So I thought I might try to explain it to you. I'm not any kind of expert in fact I'm still trying to figure it out myself. defines Postmodern as: Of or relating to art, architecture, or literature that reacts against earlier modernist principles, as by reintroducing traditional or classical elements of style. OK I guess that's kinda it. Or better yet that's part of it. Especially in the church. But my definition of Postmodern is more than that… In addition to the above, in my experience, postmodern people have some if not all of these traits:

Post Moderns…

  1. Learn more from Experience than they do from a lesson
  2. They Care more about reality and feel like church services with bright lights and fancy bands and a preacher are more about performance than message
  3. Doctrine is the king… If you say you believe something you better enact it. If you fake it they will see right through you. And lose trust in you
  4. Friendship is the Means… Friendship is the way to your message. If I am your friend then you can talk to me about God and stuff. Without friendship what you say means nothing.
  5. Trust is second… If a post modern person loses trust in you then it's too late. The only way post moderns will listen is if they trust

This is my top 5… Like I said I'm not an expert… This is just what I've seen.

People are scared of the Words Postmodern Church. Mostly because they don't understand the stuff listed above. In reality it is the same stuff we've always been trying to do, just with a different method.

I am a Postmodern to the core and I along with other PostModern Christians I have talked to feel like for so long it's been if you are not comfortable in "Sunday Morning" Church then there is no place to go. So people don't come. Also the church claims to be "Seeker Sensitive" and yet they expect the seekers to come to church, that's the last place they are gonna go. Where in the Bible does it say, "Wait for them to come to you and make disciples of all nations,"? Jesus said, "GO and make disciples…"

Post Moderns want you to meet them where they are. You become their friend and then you witness to them. Seems simple enough to me. We aren't changing the message of God, we aren't changing the word we just share it differently. Methodology is all that changes. Along with that is this, I am a Post Modern Nazarene. Denominations are important. It's not like we can exist without them so… If you're reading this and saying "Well my church doesn't get that stuff." Don't Leave!!! Stick it out. Work with others and try to make a change.

One other thing Post Modernity is not a thing. It's a way of thinking for some people. For others like me, it's a way of Life! Don't be scared… We are just like you, we just do things differently.

What Do you think? Let me Hear you!

***Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed herein are that of one person, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Hope Community Church of the Nazarene or Its Youth Group!

Teen Scene

1. 30 Hour Famine
The 30 Hour Famine has been cancelled.
The youth group will still raise funds to send to World Vision in support of their quest to end world hunger.

Canning, Noon – 4:00 PM, Saturday, May 10 at WalMart on Navarre Avenue.

Bake Sale, Sunday, May 11 at church. Each teen is asked to donate a baked good.
Items may be dropped off in one of the following manners:
A. Saturday, May 10 at the homes of:
Nichole Pioterek 419-697-6128
6066 Grisell, Oregon

Natalee Petrusky 419-693-0680
4342 Morning Dove Drive, Oregon

Anna Buchan 419-693-2143
2525 Revilla Drive, Northwood
Call before dropping off your items to make sure they are home.
B. At Starr School no later than 8:45 AM Sunday,
May 11

2. Graduate Recognition Sunday - June 22, 2008
Seniors –you should have received a packet of information regarding Graduate Recognition, Sunday, June 22. Please be sure to read over the information and return your forms and photographs to Tara Trost by Sunday, May 25.

3. Candy & Pop - 50¢ Each
Pam Jordan will no longer support your sugar habits with free candy and pop! From now on, if you want candy and/or pop you will need to PURCHASE the items for 50¢ EACH. IOU’s will no longer be accepted and you need to settle any outstanding IOU’s.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post Modern

Hey guys... I don't exactly know how to ask this... Does anybody out there in the ONAZ Youth bolgosphere know what it means to be a Post Modern person? If you know what it means are you a post modern? What do you think about Post Modernity? Am I so far off base that you would tell me to shut my pie hole? Let me know, I want to meet you where you are... post modern or not. To make it easier Im gonna set up a survey on the blog it will be on the side bar.

Mile stones

Hey Everybody We reached two what I will call milestones this week!
1. The Wall studs are up for the youth room at our new building. Its really coming together fast!
2. We have our first post on the blog! Thank you Sharon. She had a cool Idea for a fund raiser.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Teen Scene

So the only real change is that 30 Hour Famine is canceled due to lack of interest. We will how ever be doing a car wash, canning at Wal-Mart, and A Bake Sale to raise Money for Wold Vision. We need people to participate, in order to raise money for this worthy cause. Talk to Nichole or a youth leader for details or to sign up.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What do you wanna talk about

I thought I might give you guys the opportunity to give some input about what we bring to you in SoulQuest. If you will post here what you want to talk about I will do my best to bring it to you. Please post anonymously unkess you want to do otherwise.